Spokane, Washington
Spokane, Washington

Spokane, Washington

All donations are gladly accepted and will be used in the healing ministry of Rachel's Vineyard here in Spokane, Washington. There are many ways to get involved.


As each retreat approaches, we are reminded that Our Father has an enemy, and that the enemy badly wants to keep women trapped in fear, guilt and pain. Surprisingly consistent, before each event, the retreatants and volunteers are always attacked by an onslaught of bad luck. Cars break down, family members get sick, and the most unbeleivable last minute obstacles always appear. To combat these coincidences, we need an army of prayer warriors to plead for God's protection against discouragement and his grace for a successful and life-changing retreat for the participants.

Please don't under estimate the power of, or the necessessity for, praying for the retreatants. If you are able to commit to praying for them, please register to let us know. It means more than you can imagine to the retreatants, many who feel alone and abandoned, to know that people are praying specifically for them.

Retreat Preparation

There are a number of opportunities to provide the supplies that are used during the retreat weekend. For example, providing a case of water or the flowers that are used during the memorial help to bring things together. To get involved in this way, contact us to be added to the list of people that are notified when a signup sheet is ready.

Financial Support

There are many costs for putting on a Rachel's Vineyard retreat, including the cost for the retreat center, meals, and to provide a professional certified counselor. The retreatants are asked to contribute to these costs, but many are unable to do so. Your financial help will ensure that the Rachel's Vineyard ministry continues to be available for many years to come, and that it is accessible to everyone that needs to be brought to their Father's open arms and forgiving heart.

Financial donations may be made online via PayPal:

Or mailed to:
Rachael's Vineyard
PO Box 442
Valleyford, WA 99036

Rachel's Vineyard Spokane is a Washington 501(c)3 organization. Donations are tax deducible.